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Best in Class Annular Cutter and Magnetic Drilling Systems

Rotabroach are the UK's leading manufacturer or superior quality and performance TCT & M2AL annular cutters.

Rotabroach high-quality mag drills have been designed with operator safety, adaptability and performance in mind.

 Rotabroach are the original name in annular cutting technology, their tools have been powering metalworking industries across the world for over 40 years.

They have revolutionalised metal cutting and their annular cutters have become the back bone of sectors across the world, when combined with their magnetic drills, these cutters provide unbeatable performance and longevity even on the most difficult jobs.

They have consistenly innovated their product range, reflecting the same forward thinking attitude that established the Rotabroach brand across the world


Power Tools PDF

Cutting Tools & Accessories PDF